Collaborative Pedagogies: Fostering Cooperation & Solidarity (B-UCLL-MEX90A)

6 ECTSEnglishFirst termFirst term
Alaerts Leen (coordinator) |  Alaerts Leen |  Bou Mosleh Dima
POC UCLe LER Creditcontracten en inkomende studenten 1

Students are able to

  • Explore and deepen different perspectives on several global challenges & topics such as colonialism, poverty, migration, democracy, sustainability.
  • Embed various collaborative and interactive learning activities in teaching practice such as role play, competition debate, system thinking, deep democracy, narrative approaches …
  • Engage constructively in teamwork using cooperative approaches
  • Enlarge their vision on solidarity through taking action & profound reflection

Students in this course require following attitudes:

  • Willingness to dialogue & cooperate
  • Openess to new perspectives
  • Reflective and inquiring attitude


6 ects. Collaborative Pedagogies: Fostering Cooperation & Solidarity (B-UCLL-MEX90a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-practical-assignmentFirst termFirst term
Alaerts Leen |  Bou Mosleh Dima
POC UCLe LER Creditcontracten en inkomende studenten 1

During this course students will:

  •  Participate in six sessions on global challenges using interactive & collaborative approaches;
  • Develop a workshop of 50 minutes in teams of 3-4 students;
  • Engage during in a solidarity project with migrant youngsters;
  • Report on their activities through a personal journal;
  • Write or record a reflection on their changing insights according to solidarity.

Sources and hand-outs will be provided on Toledo.

Attendance and active participation in all the sessions, workshops, team work and projects is required in this course. Absence due to unavoidable casualty should be reported.


Collaborative Pedagogies: Fostering Cooperation & Solidarity (B-UCLL-M83879)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Reference work

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

This course will be assessed through:

  • Permanent evaluation: attendance & active participation in sessions
  • Demonstration: perform and participate in workshops
  • Internship activities with migrant youngsters: personal journal
  • Peerassessment: teamwork

Retake is only possible if the student has adequately participated in the course activities, a.o. completed internship, participated in the sessions, presentations, ... If the student wishes to retake the assignments in second term, he/she/they should contact the lecturer in order to discuss his/her/their growth opportunities and specific assignments.