International Team Teaching I (B-UCLL-MEX91A)

5 ECTSEnglishFirst termFirst term
Nowé Ben (coordinator) |  Nowé Ben
POC UCLe LER Creditcontracten en inkomende studenten 1

In this course, students will engage in a practice-oriented experience focused on the vision of global teaching. By the end of the course, students will strive to achieve the following goals:

1. Make a Difference – The Teacher as an Educator

The student will:

  • Show interest in education
    • Focus on creating a safe, connected, and warm classroom climate
    • Establish meaningful relationships with each child
    • Assess the pupils' initial situations comprehensively
    • Provide appreciative and constructive feedback
    • Utilize diversity as a strength for learning
  • Observe and analyze the learning environment in a classroom/school in Flanders
    • Develop an understanding of the children, the class, and the school environment
    • Recognize and positively approach differences in the classroom
    • Focus on the well-being, involvement, and development of children
    • Be sensitive to children's needs
    • Recognize the competencies of the 21st century and integrate opportunities for them in the classroom


2. Value Knowledge – The Teacher as a Professional

The student will:

  • Demonstrate substantive expertise
    • Show insight into education and classroom dynamics
    • Initiate and conduct activities/lessons with children
    • Describe important pedagogical and didactic principles
    • Embrace their social role as a teacher and as a role model for children
    • Recognize and appreciate diversity in the classroom
  • Understand the vision behind the approach and design of the learning environment
    • Describe components of a powerful learning environment
    • Be aware of their own thoughts, feelings, and values regarding the learning environment
    • Explain the concept of world teaching
    • Identify potential educational outcomes in the context of society
    • Discuss behavior and attitudes from an intercultural perspective within a democratic teaching style


3. Open Your Mind – The Teacher as a Global Citizen

The student will:

  • Take responsibility
    • Show passion for teaching and resilience in the face of challenges
    • Deepen their vision on education and engage in self-reflection
    • Reflect authentically, critically, and deeply to guide their learning process
    • Use their own background as an added value in the classroom and school
  • Understand intercultural differences and similarities
    • Define and understand terms and frameworks such as "competencies of the 21st century," "powerful learning environment," "fundamental learning," "global citizenship," "world teaching," and "education for sustainable development"
    • Implement global citizenship and education for sustainable development as approaches to transformative education
    • Compare and contrast educational activities in primary schools in Flanders with those in their own country


4. Enjoy Teamwork – The Teacher as a Collaborator

The student will:

  • Work collaboratively and show commitment/enthusiasm
    • Engage in dialogue with children, fellow students, and teachers
    • Show commitment to the classroom and school
    • Take opportunities to learn from others and respond to feedback
    • Take responsibility for effective collaboration and consider others' perspectives
  • Actively contribute to the group process
    • Invest in good communication with fellow students, mentors, college supervisors, and parents
    • Be open to feedback and curious about others' views and opinions
    • Promote their own learning and that of others through feedback (giving, asking, and receiving)
    • Appreciate differences and similarities in visions and approaches, viewing them as strengths and challenges


5 ects. International Team Teaching I (B-UCLL-MEX91a)

5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-practical-assignmentFirst termFirst term
Nowé Ben
POC UCLe LER Creditcontracten en inkomende studenten 1

The following contents are covered:

  • Competencies of the 21st century
  • A powerful learning environment
  • Fundamental learning
  • Global citizenship
  • World teachership
  • Education for sustainable development
  • Theoretical framework for global citizenship - global teachership
  • Education in Flanders
  • Contents, working methods, goals, evaluation in primary school
  • Class profile: interest, learning status, and learning profile
  • Differences in educational visions and approach/organization
  • Dealing with diversity as a lever for development
  • Decretal basic competencies of a teacher

Learning materials will be made available in Toledo.

The course is a combination of:

  • Lessons
  • Team teaching
  • Practicum assignments
  • Supervision and intervision
  • School visits

Explanation of the Working Method:

Internship Pairing:

  • Students are paired with a Flemish student to complete an internship in a primary school.

Observation Assignment:

  • Students carry out an observation assignment to gain insight into the classroom environment, the children, and the educational practices of a primary school in Flanders.

Experience Exchange:

  • Students exchange their experiences and discuss the elements of a powerful learning environment, focusing on the principles of global citizenship and sustainable development.

Classroom Activity Development:

  • Students develop concrete classroom activities that enable primary pupils to acquire knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, and behaviors promoting Global Citizenship Education and Education for Sustainable Development.

Reflective Practice:

  • In collaboration with the school mentor and the teacher educator, student teachers reflect on their learning process.

Presentation of Experiences:

  • Students will collect their experiences and stories and present them to their peers.



International Team Teaching I (B-UCLL-M83880)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Presentation

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

The evaluation consists of four parts:

Development of Insight into Flemish Education:

  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the educational system and practices in Flanders.

Vision of a Powerful Learning Environment:

  • Students will develop a vision of a powerful learning environment, focusing on global citizenship and sustainability principles.

Implementation of Classroom Activity:

  • Students will implement a classroom activity that helps primary pupils develop knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, and behaviors promoting Global Citizenship Education and Education for Sustainable Development.

Reflection on Learning Process:

Students will reflect on their own learning process, highlighting their growth and insights gained throughout the course.

The modalities for the second chance evaluation are different:

- Students must contact the lecturer at the beginning of July to be informed about the parts that need to be revised.

- Students will be given an alternative task to demonstrate the required competencies through the study of various sources.

- The deadline for the revision submission will be communicated in Toledo.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is considered a form of examination fraud and includes copying someone else's work (ideas, texts, structures, images, plans, etc.) without proper acknowledgment, whether in identical form or slightly altered. Copying one's own work without adequate acknowledgment is also considered examination fraud. Plagiarism will be sanctioned according to the University College’s Regulations on Education and Examinations.

Class Attendance: Attendance during classes and the internship is mandatory and a condition for passing the course.

Behavior: Inappropriate behavior during the internship will lead to immediate termination of both the course and the internship.