Comparative Education: Analyzing Global Educational Systems & Policies (B-UCLL-MEX93A)

6 ECTSEnglishSecond termSecond term
Van Ingelghem Mieke (coordinator) |  Bou Mosleh Dima |  Van Ingelghem Mieke
POC UCLe LER Creditcontracten en inkomende studenten 1

At the end of the course, students will be able to

  • Describe how different countries approach education, considering cultural, socio-economic, and political contexts.
  • Analyze the impact of international comparative studies, global trends, education reforms, and policy decisions on teaching and learning.
  • Make informed and culturally sensitive contributions to education at both local and global levels.

Students in this course require following attitudes:

  • Willingness to dialogue & cooperate
  • Openess to new perspectives
  • Reflective and inquiring attitude


6 ects. Comparative Education: Analyzing Global Educational Systems & Policies (B-UCLL-MEX93a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-assignmentSecond termSecond term
Bou Mosleh Dima |  Van Ingelghem Mieke
POC UCLe LER Creditcontracten en inkomende studenten 1

During this course,

  • Teams of students from different countries will study each other’s education systems and policies and will compare teaching practice in different contexts (case study in small teams).
  • They will explore the initiatives of international education organizations that influence educational policy and concrete teaching practice in Europe and worldwide (small individual research tasks and collective discussions).
  • Based on good practices of studied systems, students will create a blueprint for culturally sensitive contributions to education in their own teaching practice (group assignment).

Sources and hand-outs will be provided on Toledo.

Attendance and active participation in all the collective sessions and small group work sessions is required in this course. Absence due to unavoidable casualty should be reported.


Comparative Education: Analyzing Global Educational Systems & Policies (B-UCLL-M83884)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Presentation

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

This course will be assessed through

  • Permanent evaluation (attendance & active participation) : 4/20
  • Presentation (results of case study and small research tasks & the blueprint) : 12/20
  • Peerassessment (groupwork) : 4/20

Retake is only possible if students have adequately participated in the course activities. If students wish to retake the assignments in second term, they should contact the lecturer in order to discuss their growth opportunities and specific assignment(s).