Dutch Language and Culture (B-UCLL-MGD35A)

3 ECTSEnglishFirst termFirst termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Moons Caroline (coordinator) |  Moons Caroline
UC Leuven Gemeenschappelijke opleidingsonderdelen

This course is designed for non-Dutch speaking students who are starting their program at UCLL.

The general aim of this course is to gain quick insight and understanding of the Flemish context, language and culture. While adjusting to your new surroundings, you will learn about Belgium, the Flemish way of doing things, the beginnings of the Dutch language, etc.

  • At the end of this course, you are able to:
  • get by with basic knowledge of Dutch,
  • understand some Belgian history,
  • present (a part of) Flemish/Belgian culture.

At the end of this course, you are willing to:

  • explore your surroundings even more while you are here,
  • participate in basic Dutch small talk,
  • develop a better understanding of your own linguistic and cultural background.

There are no special requirements for this course. The participant only needs a healthy amount of curiosity and interest into Dutch language, Belgian history and culture.

This course is identical to the following courses:
MGD36A : Dutch Language and Culture


3 ects. Dutch Language and Culture (B-UCLL-MGD35a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-assignmentFirst termFirst term
Moons Caroline
UC Leuven Gemeenschappelijke opleidingsonderdelen

  • Exploring your new surroundings,
  • learning basic Dutch,
  • understanding the historical and cultural context of Flanders.

Handouts (course notes, powerpoint presentations, articles) will be provided during the sessions on paper and/or digitally via the e-learning environment.

The medium of instruction in the sessions and in the course material is Dutch and English.

  • Interactive sessions with brief lectures, discussions and assignments,
  • preparation of (small) presentations, discussions and written reports,
  • individual and group assignments.


Dutch Language and Culture (B-UCLL-M82742)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Participation during contact hours

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

Process: continuous assessment

  • attendance, engagement and active participation during sessions
  • timely preparation and handing in of assignments (reports, presentations, diary entries)

Product: final assessment

  • an individual paper or a presentation in small groups

In case of a ‘fail’, a second examination is possible in the shape of an individual writing assignment.)