Learning for Life (B-UCLL-MPI05A)

3 ECTSEnglishSecond termSecond termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Bou Mosleh Dima (coordinator) |  Bou Mosleh Dima
POC PG Lerarenopleiding (Comenius)

After taking this course students will be able to : 

1) Recognize a range of learning strategies that can be employed in different learning contexts.

2) Have effective ways to reflect on experiences and make transfer

3) Develop effective feedback strategies.

4) Define a learning mindset and recognize situations in which you can steer it towards a more growth-oriented one.

5) Implement routines to practice critical thinking and reach deep understanding.

6) Implement routines to practice creative thinking and reach freedom of thought. 


3 ects. Learning for Life (B-UCLL-MPI05a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-assignmentSecond termSecond term
Bou Mosleh Dima
POC PG Lerarenopleiding (Comenius)

This course is about how we can facilitate and promote learning in others and in ourselves. From an educator's perspective and from a broad general perspective. The themes that we will be addressing are learning strategies, growth mindset, effective feedback, critical thinking, and creative thinking.

The study materials will be made available on Toledo.

Five blended sessions in which the students will work according to the "flipped classroom" principle. Each session requires thorough preparation and reading ahead of time. During the contact sessions the lecturer only briefly revisits the content, creating space to deepen the topics together through cooperative methods and discussions. Students will be informed at the start of the semester. The preparatory reading is expected to be done so the work in class can go on as planned.


Learning for Life (B-UCLL-M83561)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

After the contact session of each theme, the students will have 1 week to write a short paper demonstrating their understanding of the topic. One or two questions will be given to choose from. Students can use all the resources made available on Toledo and during the session, in addition to external resources. The paper should be a maximum of two A4. Font 11 with 1.5 space points.

During the examination period. The lecturer will choose one paper for the student to elaborate on in an oral assessment.

The modalities are different.

Students will contact the lecturer at the beginning of July to be informed about the parts that need to be revised.

The deadline for the revision submission will be communicated in Toledo.

Plagiarism is a form of examination fraud that consists of copying someone else's work (ideas, texts, structures, images, plans, etc.) without adequate acknowledgment, in an identical form, or slightly changed. For applying these regulations, copying one’s work without adequate acknowledgment is considered examination fraud. Plagiarism will be sanctioned with the sanctions mentioned in the University College’s Regulations on Education and Examinations.