Global Citizenship and Changemaking II (B-UCLL-MPIEHM)

6 ECTSEnglishSecond termSecond term
Bou Mosleh Dima (coordinator) |  Bou Mosleh Dima
POC PG Lerarenopleidingen (Leuven) 1

This course aims to deepen students' understanding of global citizenship and enhance their change-making skills. It integrates theory with practical experiences, including visits to UNESCO Headquarters and the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) and collaborative work with the Associated Schools Partnership Network (ASPnet) in Flanders. Students will explore various perspectives on global citizenship and develop skills necessary for effective change-making at the individual and global levels.

Course objectives:

  • Understand the Different Aspects of Global Citizenship: social, political, economic, cultural, and environmental.
  • Develop Skills for Global Citizenship: Learn to think critically about global issues - Improve communication and teamwork with people from different backgrounds.
  • Increase Awareness of Global Problems: Understand key global challenges and inequalities - Recognize our role in solving these issues.
  • Learn from Real-World Examples: Study case studies to see how global citizenship works in practice - Discuss successful projects that address global issues.


6 ects. Global Citizenship and Changemaking II (B-UCLL-MPIEHm)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture-practical-assignmentSecond termSecond term
Bou Mosleh Dima
POC PG Lerarenopleidingen (Leuven) 1

- The different aspects of Global Citizenship (GC)

-  The different skills for GC

- Awareness of global problems

- Studying case studies and real-world examples

The Learning materials will be made available in Toldeo.

These include materials related to the topics that will be addressed throughout the semester.

A combination of theory and practice. This includes:

Individual and group tasks. IIEP assignment and output presentation at the IIEP office in Paris. Field visit to UNESCO HQ, where sessions on the recent research and initiatives will be provided.   A field visit to the IIEP office in Paris for sessions on the recent research and initiatives around educational planning will be provided, coupled with student task presentations. Collaborative work with the ASPnet Flanders. 

The course will include theoretical sessions, field visits, experiential learning, planning, and participating in the ASPnet brainstorming day with pupils and students.


Global Citizenship and Changemaking II (B-UCLL-M83886)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Presentation, Process evaluation

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

Individual and group tasks. IIEP assignment and output presentation at the IIEP office in Paris. Field visit to UNESCO HQ, where sessions on the recent research and initiatives will be provided. A field visit to the IIEP office in Paris for sessions on the recent research and initiatives around educational planning will be provided, coupled with student task presentations.   Collaborative work with the ASPnet. 

The modalities are different.

Students will contact the lecturer at the beginning of July to learn which parts need to be revised.

The deadline for the revision submission will be communicated with the lecturer.

Plagiarism is a form of examination fraud that consists of copying someone else's work (ideas, texts, structures, images, plans, etc.) without adequate acknowledgment, in an identical form, or slightly changed. For applying these regulations, copying one’s work without adequate acknowledgment is considered examination fraud. Plagiarism will be sanctioned with the sanctions mentioned in the University College’s Regulations on Education and Examinations.