Language, code and culture (B-UCLL-MCT06A)

3 studiepuntenEngelsTweede semesterTweede semesterUitgesloten voor examencontract
Spanjers Liesbeth (coördinator) |  Spanjers Liesbeth
POC BNB Meertalig onderwijs (Leuven)

De afgestudeerden:

DLR 1  ontwikkelen een inclusieve onderwijsvisie rond meertaligheid en interculturele, sociale en talige diversiteit. Zij vertalen deze onderwijsvisie, die gebaseerd is op wetenschappelijke inzichten, naar een leercontext waarin hun leerlingen optimaal kunnen werken aan talige competenties.

DLR 2  Als experts in het maatschappelijke fenomeen meertaligheid, bevorderen zij door hun eigen voorbeeld een attitude van openheid en interculturele gerichtheid bij hun leerlingen en bezorgen zij hun de communicatieve competenties om actief te kunnen deelnemen en constructief te kunnen bijdragen aan een multiculturele en internationaal gerichte maatschappij.


Concreet heeft dit opleidingsonderdeel volgende doelstellingen:

The main aims are to gain insights into how language in general - and English in particular - works as a code, and to understand why it is of vital importance to understand the code correctly in order to effectively pass on information.
As a second step, we will see how a language code is shaped and determined by the culture underlying the language. It is at this stage that the roles of language and culture in education become especially significant.
A closer look will also be taken at what happens when a foreign language is used to teach mixed groups, what effects this may have on cross-cultural understanding, and how - in turn - language itself may be affected in such a context.

At the end of the course the students will be able to

• have insight in how language is used as a tool for communication that is coloured by one's cultural and societal background
• have insight in how language works as a cultural divider and how this applies to their own geo-political and cultural reality
• be able to apply the findings of this course to their own use of language and to aspects of their culture.
• explain how their group language is shaped and determined by culturally agreed tokens, metaphors, maxims and memories.
• have a clear idea of different languages that are used in their cultural environment, and how these interact or supersede each other

Studenten beschikken minimaal over een bachelor: bachelor in onderwijs of bachelor in een andere discipline aangevuld met een lerarendiploma.

Voor dit opleidingsonderdeel wordt een voldoende beheersing van het Engels verwacht om de bijdragen van de docent en de gastsprekers te begrijpen.

Dit opleidingsonderdeel is identiek aan de volgende opleidingsonderdelen:
TPILCA : Language: Code and Culture (Niet meer aangeboden dit academiejaar)


3 sp. Language, code and culture (B-UCLL-MCT06a)

3 studiepuntenEngelsWerkvorm: CollegeTweede semesterTweede semester
Spanjers Liesbeth
POC BNB Meertalig onderwijs (Leuven)

De sessies worden georganiseerd rond een aantal duidelijke thema’s waarin toegewerkt wordt naar de DLR’s en beoogde doelstellingen.

This course is not intended as a "course in English", but as an investigation into language as a tool for creating ideas and communication.  This investigation will mainly happen through the medium of English, but participants will be asked to apply the tenets of the course to their own native language and present their findings in class and in a reflection portfolio.

The following topics will be dealt with:

1. Language and Communication - understanding the code. Language as product and shaper of culture, metaphors, jokes, shibboleths, myths, stereotypes, proverbs. (DLR 1)

2. Language Spheres - theory of expanding circles. Language Models - what standard to choose? (DLR 1)

3. Aspects of language - form, meaning, purpose, register and appropriacy, discourse. (DLR 2)

4. Language as Culture - Why do we mean the opposite of what we say? Why will an artificial language never be able to replace natural language? What are the implications of "living language" on education? (DLR 1)

5. Working with words and meaning (DLR 2)

The syllabus as well as a number of shorter texts and articles will be made available through Toledo.


Claire Kramsch, Language and Culture – Oxford University Press 1998

Eddie Ronowicz & Colin Yallop, English: one language, different cultures – Continuum (London) 1999

Anthony D. Smith, National Identity – University of Nevada Press 1991

Michael P. Lynch, Truth as one and many – Oxford University Press 2009

Guy Deutscher, Throught the Language Glass – Arrow Books 2010

Mary Midgley, The Myths we Live by – Routledge 2004

Umberto Eco, Serendipities - Language and Lunacy – Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1999


Interactieve hoorcolleges waarbij de onderwerpen en het studiemateriaal vooraf worden aangeleverd via de online course.


Language, code and culture (B-UCLL-M80013)

Type : Permanente evaluatie zonder examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Portfolio
Vraagvormen : Open vragen
Leermateriaal : Computer, Cursusmateriaal

TOTAAL1-20/20 puntenschaal

The evaluation will be completely based on an individual portfolio handed in by the students in the first half of June.

The portfolio will consist of a collection of tasks taken from the syllabus [the exact selection will be made clear during the lessons, based on interest and appropriacy], as well as an introduction on the student's linguistic and cultural DNA, and a conclusion.

The deadline will be set during the semester, depending on other tasks and course work.  Portfolios handed in after this date will not be graded unless the student obtained prior exemption from this deadline.

The final result will be determined by the individuality of the tasks presented, the depth of reflection, and the completeness of the portfolio.


Plagiarism is a form of examination fraud that consists of the action of copying the work (ideas, texts, structures, images, plans, …) of someone else without adequate acknowledgement, in an identical form or slightly changed. For the application of these regulations the copying of one’s own work without adequate acknowledgement is considered examination fraud. Plagiarism will be sanctioned with the sanctions mentioned in the University College’s Regulations on Education and Examinations.

Onder dezelfde modaliteiten als voor de eerste examenkans

The modalities of the second examination opportunity are communicated on Toledo in the beginning of July.